Friday, August 7, 2009

Au Revoir and Tot Siens

The Stylish Dylan Hotel

The Dylan Hotel. Considered one of Amsterdam's most elegant and stylish boutique hotels.
A beautiful location for an elegant and understated wedding.

A gorgeous chair with the aged leather done to perfection!
I  could live here....
I love this room - and what about those floorboards???
The entry courtyard - secluded and and whispering luxury!
Peter enquiring about restaurants at reception
A very intimate, chic wedding. gorgeous are those mushrooms?? ...I wonder at their significance....something very romantic I am thinking.

Watch on my wish list

This is the Amsterdam Watch Co. - one of only 2 in the Netherlands that sell antique, fully reconditioned watches.
The watch with the green strap on the left - ooohhh, I would LOVE that. It is a reconditioned Rolex from the 50's - and only a cool $8500. But oh, I truly would want/need that - much more than the chandelier!

Coffee Shop Amsterdam

They have cleverly used bollards and turned them into coffee tables

This is the rare occasion where you can get a sense of the majestic proportions of the rooms inside some of these buildings.
I am imagining having this as my lounge, where will I put the couch...???

Amsterdam Day 12

I am going to miss the beautiful architecture
and the house numbers....

the beautiful people on the bikes....

the colour...the neighbourhoods...
the grand proportions...
the leaning buildings....
the uniqueness of Amsterdam.
Do we have bookshops like this in Australia???

I loved this shop - Lienengien

Love those pink gumboots...

Hotel Flowers

This could be my last post. Greg and Jenny arrive from Hamburg this evening to spend the weekend with us in Amsterdam....but then again....I may just find something today I have to share with you all. Thank you for all your lovely emails - I hope you have enjoyed sharing this fabulous holiday with us!!! Louisex

Canal Bridge Amsterdam

Nolita for Jenny


Barges Amsterdam

Bikes Amsterdam

What if your bike is in the middle?....arghh....
It could be hazardous if you don't park correctly!